Children's vitamins

We all want to give our children a great start in life. Good nutrition is at the heart of children’s health and nutrient shortfalls are common due to fussy eating and other factors.

Children require suitable levels of vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids for both mental and physical growth and development. Yet surveys and research continue to highlight common childhood nutritional deficiencies in the UK.

Our range of kid's vitamins and nutritional supplements has been meticulously developed with both taste and nutritive value in mind.

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Ensuring our children are eating a healthy balanced diet with quality, fresh, and unprocessed food to obtain all the nutrients for health is ideal and should always be the first focus. However, this isn't always possible and obtaining an optimum intake of nutrients from the diet alone can be challenging. With so many things to be mindful of already as parents, supplementation can be an effective way to safeguard against any shortfalls, helping to give you peace of mind.    

Optimum nutrition is important during childhood, as it is a time of rapid growth, development and activity. As kids grow, their nutritional needs change and it is essential that these needs are being met in order to support different areas of their health such as immunity, bone health, gut health, brain health, and so on. Poor nutrition is not just associated with health problems in childhood but can impact their health in later life too.  

For many years now at Cytoplan we have presented the rationale that there is a nutrition gap in most people's diets, including children. The nutrition gap describes the difference between the levels of nutrients the average person is obtaining from food, and those identified as being needed for optimal health. Fussy eaters, restrictive diets or ones that are low in fresh fruit and vegetables are just a few of the many factors that can create a shortfall of essential nutrients. Worryingly, government surveys show that on average children in the UK do not obtain the recommended 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day and many children have reduced intakes of important nutrients such as iron, vitamin D and zinc. Furthermore, not only are children often missing out on adequate vitamins and minerals but the array of phytonutrients that are present in fruits and vegetables which also bestow numerous benefits for health.  

Here at Cytoplan, we offer a variety of supplements for children to help support their health and wellbeing. Our range includes kids multivitamin and mineral formulations to help ensure they are getting a broad range of essential nutrients to bridge the nutrition gap and to give you peace of mind. As part of this range we offer multivitamins for toddlers, children's multivitamins with iron, and also a multi which provides a phytonutrient rich blend including biodynamic ingredients. Our multivitamins for kids provide nutrients at the correct levels for age and in a well-absorbed bioeffective form. They have been expertly formulated and meticulously developed with taste and nutritive value in mind and come in a range of forms including small tablets, gummies and powders.   

Supporting your children's immune system is also important as a strong immune system gives your child the best chance of protection against infections and is intrinsically linked to their general health. Further to our range we have individual vitamins for kids available including vitamin C and vitamin D3 which are key immune supportive nutrients. We also offer a kids immune support complex which provides targeted support for the immune system.  

In addition to ensuring optimal levels of vitamins and minerals, at Cytoplan we know the importance of supporting a diverse and balanced microbiome and there is now a growing awareness that the health of the gut is central to overall health. The friendly bacteria in the gut carry out many functional roles including supporting the immune system and keeping pathogenic bacteria at bay although the delicate balance can easily be disrupted by poor diet, illness and antibiotic use. Here at Cytoplan, we have a range of safe and bioeffective probiotic supplements for children, including babies. All of the probiotic strains included within our range are clinically validated and have been included for their unique benefit. The combination of strains have been expertly formulated, providing a beneficial sphere of activity.  

An omega 3 supplement is also a good addition as research surrounding omega 3 has demonstrated how important it is to our children's health and development, particularly brain development and cognitive function. Whether your children do not like fish, are vegetarian or vegan, or there are concerns about ocean pollution, we have a suitable omega 3 supplement including capsules and a delicious lemon flavoured vegan omega 3 liquid.  

All our children's supplements are suitable for vegetarians and vegans with the exception of our Junior Vitamin D3 which is vegetarian only. We never use artificial colours, preservatives and flavours in our products and we always endeavour to provide the best natural, gentle and effective nutrients to promote optimal health. 

What are the best supplements for my kid's immune system?

Cytoplan have a number of gentle and effective supplements to help support your child's immune system including a range of kids multivitamin and mineral formulations containing key immune supporting nutrients, such as vitamins A, C and D.  We also offer a chewy vitamin C with all natural colours and flavours from oranges, and a targeted immune support product containing vitamin C, iron, selenium, zinc and beta glucans, both suitable from 3 years. We also have vitamin D3 drops, suitable from birth. The bacteria present in the gut play a pivotal role in supporting the immune system and so we offer a range of probiotics suitable from 3 months of age.

What are the best vitamins for kids?

Cytoplan have a number of gentle and effective supplements to help support your child's health which are free from artificial colours, preservatives and flavours. Supplementing with a kids multivitamin is a viable strategy to bridge the nutrition gap and can be an effective way to safeguard against any shortfalls. It is important to select a multivitamin specifically designed for children as these will have been formulated with age, taste and nutritive value in mind. Our multis for kids are tailor-made for your child's needs and will provide the nutrients at the correct levels and in a well-absorbed bioeffective form. We also offer a chewy vitamin C with all natural colours and flavours from oranges and an all-round immune support capsule containing vitamin C, iron, selenium, zinc and beta glucans. We also have vitamin D3 drops, suitable from birth. The form of nutrient is important in this age group - vitamin drops, gummies, powders and small tablets can help with ease of intake.

Which vitamins are recommended for teen boys?

During this timeframe there is a transition from childhood to adulthood - an important time for physical, emotional, and mental growth and development. A healthy balanced diet is essential for providing the nutrients needed for health but is not always a priority for teenagers. Including a multivitamin and mineral will provide a broad spectrum of nutrients and will help to safeguard against any shortfalls in the diet. Our Foundation Formula 1 is recommended for this age group as it has the addition of iron to support growth. If you are looking for additional immune support, then Immune Complete 1 is also an excellent choice. Not only are teenagers often missing out on adequate vitamins and minerals but the array of phytonutrients that are present in fruits and vegetables which also bestow numerous benefits for health. For those who have a low intake of fresh foods our Superfood Multi is a delicious blend of superfoods rich in protective phytonutrients with additional vitamins and minerals. 

Including a multi-strain probiotic is also recommended to help support a diverse and balanced microbiome, which can be easily disrupted by antibiotic use, poor diet, and stress. Including an omega 3 is also recommended if the diet is not inclusive of oily fish regularly.

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