Dental health

A range of dental supplements, hand-picked by our nutritional therapists as being perfect for supporting your teeth, gums and oral microbiome. Originally conceived as a specialist range to support dental professionals and their patients (Dentavital). The range now goes under our Cytoplan brand but the product formulations are exactly the same.

Why create a range of supplements for dental health? It is widely acknowledged that there is a synergic relationship between oral health and the overall health of the body. Poor oral health can increase the risk of other health problems.

Choose from our range of supplements and vitamins for gums, teeth and overall oral health. Our dental health products are used and loved by oral health professionals including Endodontists, Periodontists and general Dentists.

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It is widely acknowledged that there is a synergistic relationship between oral health and the overall health of the body. Poor oral health can increase the risk of other health problems and can also be a biomarker and early warning of impending non-communicable diseases due to their shared preventable risk factors, linked to diet and lifestyle. There are many established links between diet, lifestyle and oral health.  

The most common dental diseases are periodontal disease and dental caries (decay). 

Periodontal disease(s) 

Periodontal disease is a non-communicable, inflammatory condition with a multifactorial aetiology. A genetic propensity and an imbalance (dysbiosis) of the oral microbiome is central to its development, but the host response, and resilience is critical to its progression. 


Gingivitis is diagnosed when there is increased bleeding of the gums. Gingivitis and periodontal disease are considered as a continuum of the same disease although gingivitis does not always progress to periodontal disease. Gingivitis is reversible if the underlying cause is addressed and corrected. 


Dental decay (caries) occurs when organic acids are produced by oral bacteria in the plaque, in response to dietary intake of refined carbohydrates and simple sugars.  The increased acidity leads to demineralisation of teeth, destruction of the tooth dentine, resulting in cavities. 

How can nutrition help support dental and oral health?

Healthful wholefood diets that are low in inflammatory ingredients and high in vegetables, fruit and healthy essential fats are usually recommended for the above conditions, along with good dental hygiene and cleaning. But in many cases, there is a nutrition gap between the nutrients that are being ingested and those needed by individual patients for health, for many different reasons.  

The Cytoplan range of dental supplements has been expertly formulated in collaboration with dental surgeons and nutritional therapists to provide the extra nutritional support needed for oral disease. The range is streamline but all-encompassing and includes a wholefood, bioeffective multivitamin and mineral formulation, antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids and probiotics.  

One of the key nutrients needed for periodontal disease is glutathione, the master antioxidant in the human body, and this is included in the range in a liposomal and optimally bioeffective form.

What are the best vitamins for teeth and gum health?

First of all it is really important to eat a healthy wholefood diet that is low in processed and sugary foods and drinks. Beyond that, as the mouth is part of the whole body an approach that seeks to "bridge the nutrition gap" is a good first step to ensuring you are getting the vitamins and minerals you need to all round health.

Our COQ10 Multi has been designed to bridge the nutrition gap and elevate the key dental health nutrients that are often in shortfall in oral diseases. Thereafter, extra vitamins can be taken as per individual needs, certainly good levels of vitamin D and C are vital for healthy gums and teeth.

What is the link between nutrition and oral health?

The predisposition for oral diseases is determined by the nutritional status of an individual. Low levels of tissue protective anti-inflammatory nutrients predispose to periodontal disease and tooth decay, especially when combined with poor oral hygiene.

Conversely, good nutritional status, can help protect against inflammation and tissue breakdown, which are the first steps in the disease process. Cytoplan have a comprehensive vitamin and mineral dental supplement with bioeffective wholefood nutrients, which can protect against nutritional shortfalls and protect the health of the teeth and gums.

Gut health is also an important factor as the gut microbiome reflects the oral microbiome and high levels of good bacteria in both will help preclude the residence and replication of pathogenic tissue damaging strains. Cytoplan have a multi-strain probiotic supplement, comprising strains that are pure, naturally fermented and antibiotic resistant and offers an excellent dental supplement to support the oral microbiome.

I have heard of the mouth (oral) microbiome - what is this?

This is a description of the micro-organisms that reside within the oral cavity. After the gut, it is the second largest microbial community in humans. There is a huge diversity of "friendly" bacteria that reside within the mouth and collectively help support the health of the tissue, including the teeth and gums. They also play a role in protecting against pathogenic bacteria and in the first stage of digestion of food. The oral microbiome usually mirrors the gut microbiome and the health of both reflect the health of an individual.

Cytoplan have a multi-strain probiotic supplement, comprising strains that are pure, naturally fermented and antibiotic resistant and offers an excellent dental supplement to support the oral microbiome.

Nutritious Smoothies
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