Kidney Health

The kidneys are complex organs and conditions associated with kidney dysfunction can be complicated to support nutritionally. Therefore, it is beneficial to support the health of the kidneys and urinary tract throughout life to help protect and preserve normal kidney function. Individuals who are susceptible to kidney stones or kidney and urinary tract infections may find it advantageous to consider kidney health supplements.

It should be noted that individuals who have chronic kidney disease should seek medical advice before choosing any nutritional supplement.

Here at Cytoplan we provide supplements for kidneys and the urinary tract which are evidence-based, supported by research, in their natural nutrient forms. Our CytoProtect® Kidneys is a formulation using botanicals with a tradition for supporting urinary tract and kidney health. We also provide other supportive nutrients aimed at bridging the nutrition gap, supporting mineral balance, urinary tract health and the genitourinary microbiome all of which contribute to maintaining kidney heath and function.

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The kidneys highly specific and adapted organs which are responsible for maintaining electrolyte balance and filtering blood of waste products. They are therefore considered an organ of detoxification. Due to the vital function of the kidneys and that they are exposed to multiple compounds produced both internally and externally, it is it is beneficial to support the health of the kidneys and urinary tract throughout life to help protect and preserve normal kidney function. 

Kidney health is affected by multiple factors and kidney disease can be a serious complication of other chronic disease as well as medications and general poor health. As kidney function is so delicately adapted, chronic kidney disease is complicated to support nutritionally and those with chronic kidney disease should always seek medical advice before taking supplements.  

Supplements which support kidney function can be beneficial for individuals who are susceptible to kidney stones or kidney and urinary tract infections as well as for those who wish to protect and support normal kidney function.  

At Cytoplan we understand that nature holds the key to health and utilise evidence-based research to develop specific formulations. Our CytoProtect® Kidneys it a botanical formulation comprising Uva-ursi, stinging nettle, corn silk, horsetail, golden rod and cranberry. These botanicals have a traditional use for supporting kidney and urinary tract health.  

Frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs) can also be a sign that urinary tract or kidney supplement support is advised. At Cytoplan we provide additional supportive supplements to help reduce occurrence of UTIs, support immune health and support the balance of flora within the genitourinary tract, all of these are beneficial in protecting the health of the urinary tract.  

We have developed our D-Mannose Plus product containing D-mannose, a sugar which has been demonstrated to reduce the adhesion and replication of bacteria in the bladder and urinary tract lining and also aids the removal via urine. It also provides cranberry powder which has a similar function to d-mannose. This can be used preventatively or for acute infections to maintain the health of the urinary tract.  

It may also be beneficial to ensure that optimum levels of all nutrients are being obtained daily and therefore we would recommend a high-quality multi-vitamin and mineral in food-based form to bridge the nutrition gap. Live bacteria supplements or probiotics as well as omega 3 supplementation are also an excellent wellness choice to maintain on going health of the kidneys and urinary tract, support immune health and the balance of the genitourinary microbiome. 

What are the best supplements for kidneys? 

Firstly, it is important that individuals who have chronic kidney disease should seek medical advice before choosing any nutritional supplement.

However nutritional supplements that support kidney health should be focused on supporting the health of the urinary tract and its microbiome, which is important for protecting against infections of both the urinary tract and the kidneys. D-mannose and cranberry are useful for this as they inhibit adhesion and replication of bacteria in the bladder and urinary tract and aid the excretion by the urine. For this I would recommend Cytoplan's D-Mannose Plus. 

Additionally, it can be important, as well as supporting urinary tract health, to aid protection from kidney stones by utilising nutrients with anti-lithostatic properties, this means they can help prevent kidney stone formation. Botanicals such as Uva-ursi, stinging nettle, corn silk, horsetail, golden rod and cranberry have been shown to have anti-lithostatic properties and to support the health of the urinary tract, thereby helping to prevent UTI and kidney infections. Products such as CytoProtect® Kidneys provides botanicals in this formulation.

Can you tell me how to improve kidney health? 

Common kidney issues include kidney stones as well as kidney and urinary tract infections (UTIs). Maintaining healthy kidney function includes providing nutrients which have been shown to prevent the occurrence of kidneys stone (anti-lithostatic) and to help prevent the occurrence of infection within the kidneys and urinary tract. 

Botanicals such as Uva-ursi, stinging nettle, corn silk, horsetail, golden rod and cranberry have been shown to have anti-lithostatic properties and to support the health of the urinary tract, thereby helping to prevent UTI and kidney infections. I would therefore recommend CytoProtect® Kidneys which is a specific formulation comprised of botanicals in the formulation mentioned. 

When considering other supplements to improve kidney function it is important to protect against infection by supporting the immune system (nutrients such as vitamin C, zinc, selenium as well as beta-glucans are useful for this) and the balance of bacteria in the bladder and urinary tract, therefore a probiotic or live bacteria supplement may also be useful. For acute infections products such as Cytoplan's D-Mannose Plus can be effective as it contains D-Mannose and cranberry powder. D-mannose and cranberry are useful for this as they inhibit adhesion and replication of bacteria in the bladder and urinary tract and aid the excretion by the urine.

Can I take supplements if I have kidney disease? 

Individuals who have chronic kidney disease should seek medical advice before choosing any nutritional supplement.
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